Ready, Set.….?
True, This! —
Beneath the rule of men entirely great
The pen is mightier than the sword. Behold
The arch-enchanters wand! — itself is nothing! —
But taking sorcery from the master-hand
To paralyze the Cæsars, and to strike
The loud earth breathless! — Take away the sword —
States can be saved without it!
― Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Richelieu
Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia
Not long ago I was challenged to find three words that would define how I saw myself – any three words would do as long as they defined ME.
Accepting this assignment, I smiled outwardly while cringing inwardly, letting my imagination cross into the never, never land of dread. I couldn’t think of anything. If you’ve ever read anything I’ve written, you know I am pretty good at expressing myself and making a point. The author who wrote that the “pen is mightier than the sword” could have had me in mind as he or she created that phrase.
So as I was brainstorming with my cheering squad; a phrase kept crossing my mind. When I couldn’t think of anything else, I sent it off to the project manager with a quickly drafted play-by-play. No sooner than I had sent it off, an inkling pricked my mind, but I ignored it. I kept right on trying to think of three words that would define me. The inkling began to beat like a heart and got louder as it moved to the center of my brain.
Like a sprinter at the starting line, those three words grew and the inkling became full blown with the characterization in place. As I worked on bringing those three words to life, I got the feeling maybe this would work. Before I knew it, I was ready.
And so my friends as you figure out the pauses in your life, whether it is a job, or a career, your well-being, you next personal growth effort, a discussion with a haloed mentor, your business tendencies or your Life, what you may need is the challenge of defining yourself in three simple words, here are some suggestions to take you to the next challenge:
Interestingly, the challenge to come up with the “three-word Bio” was not going to be life-changing and as I thought about it, I need not have worried at all. But it got me thinking and maybe at first you’re stumped on how to get started. But even the littlest idea may be workable and can bloom into the best windfall.
For me, three throw-away words became all I needed to meet an objective as my contribution to a larger project. Ready, Set, Go! Isn’t that what we’re all doing anyway, figuring things out so we can go forward to greater success and lives? Similar to what a famous actor would say alluding to purses strings, OTOLI says to you, “What are your three words”?