Juicy Sweet and Pithy
Yesterday, I was an apple and someone took a bite out and left big tooth marks.
Today, I’m going to have a thicker skin like a Florida Navel. And if you bite deep enough, you’ll get a little juicy flavor on your tongue, but the juicy sweetness will be complemented by the pith.
If you try to peel me, your fingernails will fill with pith. A knife won’t do it either – because no matter how you cut me, you’re going to get some pith.
I used to think that maybe I was a grape. You know one of many nestled among the bunch. But when most of the fruit is gone, what’s left is an itty-bitty branchlet with maybe one shriveled up lonely grape – A pitiful thing.
So, I’m just gonna be an Orange, a little pocked on the outside but with a thick skin, some pith in between the rind and the juicy, sweet inside.
That’s me.
Juicy sweet and pithy somewhere in the middle.