• Musings

    Ready, Set.….?

    True, This! — Beneath the rule of men entirely great The pen is mightier than the sword. Behold The arch-enchanters wand! — itself is nothing! — But taking sorcery from the master-hand To paralyze the Cæsars, and to strike The loud earth breathless! — Take away the sword — States can be saved without it!

  • Blurbs,  Musings

    Hugging A Stranger

    So many times, I’ve observed all kinds of events – from the very personal to the very public and back to those I’ve come to know by way of a conversation here and there. I stand in line at the post office, the train platform, or an elevator when I am among strangers.  All kinds of people talk to me about all kinds of things. I am in awe of some of the information I come to know and sometimes I just don’t know what to do about it.  A lot of times, before I can stop an individual, they’ve already told me more than I care to know.  Other…

  • Musings

    Reverse Corn

    I always think of corn when I hear the words, “buttering-up.” So when one of my friends, surprised at what was to be a kindly gesture said to me, ‘What are you buttering me up for?”  My response was plain and simple, “I don’t butter.”  There was no pre-thought or ambiguity.  I never have a hidden agendas, so I gave him a straightforward answer with no salt, pepper or hot sauce. But the cliché made me think.  Buttering is the coating on the outside of something that makes what its covering more palatable.  I would probably be the last person to think of buttering someone up, but that label got…

  • Musings

    Juicy Sweet and Pithy

    Yesterday, I was an apple and someone took a bite out and left big tooth marks. Today, I’m going to have a thicker skin like a Florida Navel.  And if you bite deep enough, you’ll get a little juicy flavor on your tongue, but the juicy sweetness will be complemented by the pith. If you try to peel me, your fingernails will fill with pith.  A knife won’t do it either – because no matter how you cut me, you’re going to get some pith. I used to think that maybe I was a grape.  You know one of many nestled among the bunch.  But when most of the fruit…