• Blurbs,  Musings

    Hugging A Stranger

    So many times, I’ve observed all kinds of events – from the very personal to the very public and back to those I’ve come to know by way of a conversation here and there. I stand in line at the post office, the train platform, or an elevator when I am among strangers.  All kinds of people talk to me about all kinds of things. I am in awe of some of the information I come to know and sometimes I just don’t know what to do about it.  A lot of times, before I can stop an individual, they’ve already told me more than I care to know.  Other…

  • Blurbs

    Resolution Solution

    The end of a year – even a birthday year triggers memories from the past year, things lost, what might have been and thoughts of setting the record straight.  Under a 365-day radar, setbacks probably don’t outweigh the positives. Celebrating an upcoming or recent birthday might stimulate good thoughts and looking forward to the wisdom age brings.  The zillion things that turned out well like the bus, train and plane, (I barely made) that arrived safely with lucky me on it; the savings of time, effort, energy, money, ego and embarrassment determined by split-second decisions, especially in the aftermath of intimidating “what-ifs” that hit home.  I’m thinking about unexpected moments…

  • Blurbs,  Favorite Things


    Giving life and purpose to this Blog has been carefully crafted and a lot like making fudge.  I love fudge, but if I had to make it, I’d never enjoy eating it.  The process of running around, timing and the patience to scrape and fold the mixture to keep it from running over the edges of the counter is a delicate balance of mind and matter.  I truly thank the world’s candy makers for laboring so magnificently to give me this wonderful concoction.  But I will not be making fudge on OTOLI. Now that I’ve started this, what I will do is offer a point of view from my seat…

  • Life & Lessons

    The Giving Gift

    I trace my love of clocks and timekeepers to when I was very young, having received a Cinderella Watch & Music Box, which when wound up, and the little Cinderella figurine pirouetted on a stand to the loveliest music. The music box contained a girl’s watch with a yellow leather band and bold clock face which although pretty and feminine, was practical. Being so young, I had no particular need of keeping time so why a watch? I was fascinated with Cinderella and her costume, so I bemused myself with the music box and music. They only let me wear the watch to Church and on special occasions. I imagined…

  • Musings

    Reverse Corn

    I always think of corn when I hear the words, “buttering-up.” So when one of my friends, surprised at what was to be a kindly gesture said to me, ‘What are you buttering me up for?”  My response was plain and simple, “I don’t butter.”  There was no pre-thought or ambiguity.  I never have a hidden agendas, so I gave him a straightforward answer with no salt, pepper or hot sauce. But the cliché made me think.  Buttering is the coating on the outside of something that makes what its covering more palatable.  I would probably be the last person to think of buttering someone up, but that label got…