Giving life and purpose to this Blog has been carefully crafted and a lot like making fudge. I love fudge, but if I had to make it, I’d never enjoy eating it. The process of running around, timing and the patience to scrape and fold the mixture to keep it from running over the edges of the counter is a delicate balance of mind and matter. I truly thank the world’s candy makers for laboring so magnificently to give me this wonderful concoction. But I will not be making fudge on OTOLI. Now that I’ve started this, what I will do is offer a point of view from my seat…
So, I ask, have we become so politically correct that nothing we say or do is safe from misinterpretation?
Ready, Set.….?
True, This! — Beneath the rule of men entirely great The pen is mightier than the sword. Behold The arch-enchanters wand! — itself is nothing! — But taking sorcery from the master-hand To paralyze the Cæsars, and to strike The loud earth breathless! — Take away the sword — States can be saved without it!
The Dream Spoilers
Their thoughts and essence seeps into your space like a scented ghost. There, but not there. Felt but not seen The moment you become aware something in you begins to waiver giving in to the assault and you begin to lose the space you thought you owned. OTOLI
Third Base
I saw two teenagers walking down the sidewalk holding hands with fingers interlocked. I remember when locking fingers and holding hands was such a turn-on it wasn’t necessary to do much else. Interlocking fingers was third base.
Scene & Heard
I’ve observed all kinds of sharing–the very private to the very public just by overhearing an exchange of conversation. As I stand in line at the Post Office, the train platform or an elevator among strangers, people talk to me in the most personal way. Sometime I feel myself blush. I am in awe of easily shared information. A lot of times before I can stop someone from sharing, they’ve already told me more than I care to know. Other times, I wonder about people I see every day but have never talked to. And then one day I hear their voice and muse that the voice I hear doesn’t…